Thursday, May 31, 2012

Top 10 Weight Training Exercises for Building Muscle

To build muscle you need to use the best weight training exercises out there otherwise you’re just wasting your time.

Since I’ve already written about the best bodyweight exercises I figured it was time for the top weight training exercise list.

DO NOT piss around with isolation exercises like flyes and concentration curls.

Those do absolutely no good for anyone.

Unless you’re injured, rehabbing or someone’s great grandmother they’re useless.

Most machines fall into the same category.

Compound, multi-joint free weight exercises that allow you to use the greatest amount of weight will build size and [...]


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Karmic Gifts


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Wedding Recap

“LaRue, you up and ready? I’m gonna swing by and grab you for a quick run to the mall,” I tweeted @CraigBallantyne (to save money on the international texting, because I am just that smart) at around 8:30am on Friday.

Since Alwyn and Rachel Cosgrove and Chad Waterbury had gotten in late from the West Coast I figured they would all still be asleep along with other friends and family members staying at the hotel.

But I knew that whippersnapper, Ballantyne would be up and working.

I picked up Craig and we embarked [...]


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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Pro Secrets to Offseason Training

The offseason is not the time to rest. In fact, it's time to get better at your sport, but not by actually practicing your sport. Learn how the pros use the offseason to improve by strength training.

The following is a guest post by Conor Doherty of Star Factory Fitness:


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Robert McNamara: More integrated muscle building gets better results

Robert McNaughton

Categories: Favorites

Robert McNamara’s approach to resistance training, as described in his book Strength to Awaken, is grounded on integral principles… and he views muscle building as a spiritual discipline. On his Embodied. Evolution. blog, the author explains why people over the age of 22 to 24 need to build muscle: Muscle strength cannot be reduced to [...]

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I Used to Weigh Five Hundred Pounds


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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Researchers probe relationship between analytical thinking and religiosity


Categories: All Posts, Favorites

  According to a story in The Raw Story, a group of Canadian psychologists has concluded that directing test subjects to think “analytically” lowers their level of religious belief. Their research was published in this week’s issue of Science. A look at the study’s methodology, however, reveals misguided assumptions. Test subjects were given a problem-solving test, [...]

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Vacation! And How Not To F--ck It Up. Hopefully.


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What 3 words would others use to describe you?

A couple of months ago I stumbled upon this post at Mommalogues. I rarely visit the site yet when I saw a tweet containing the link/teaser below it caught my attention. What three words would your kid(s) use to describe you? For two reasons. First, it reminded me how long it had been since I [...]


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Monday, May 28, 2012

Quote of the Day: E.B. White Can’t Plan His Day

Quote of the Day: E.B. White Can’t Plan His Day

E.B. White wrote classics such as "Charlotte's Web" and co-wrote "The Elements of Style," yet the American writer had trouble planning his days because of earthly joys. Take a page from his book with this quote. Continue reading »

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Anusara, John Friend Update: Back to Business

More committees, John will teach in September, and it’s back to business at Anusara, Inc. Update posted 2 hrs ago via Facebook. (the comments are interesting and mixed predominantly opposed.) Posted from the road so please pardon the current lack of formalities. Update: Leadership Committee responds to John’s letter via See below. — Dear [...]


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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Resolution Renovation... Plus Big Weird Giveaway!


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How to Take Charge of Your Training & Your Life

Stop worrying about shit.

It’s as simple as that.

And doing so can dramatically change your life.

Never worry about that which you cannot control.

To spend time thinking “what if,” or stressing about things that potentially may go wrong is a total waste of your time here on this planet.

If something is beyond your control there’s no use even thinking about it. Focus only on what you can control and don’t waste time worrying about anything else.

“What if my boss yells at me for trying this new approach?”

“What if this marketing campaign fails?”

“What [...]


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You will feel 10000% better for it!

You will feel 10000% better for it!


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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Women's Workout: Week 5, Day 3

This 12-week cycle of the Women’s WOD will focus on building all over body strength, as well as flexibility and core stabilization.


5 Rounds

25 Russian Kettlebell Swings

10 Burpees



4 Rounds

5 Clapping Push Ups

25 Air Squats



4 x 45 Second Plank Hold


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How Often Should You Train Each Muscle Group?

Progressive overload and frequency are the two most important factors in building muscle.

The more frequently you can train a muscle, while stimulating strength gains and without exceeding your capacity to recover, the more muscle you’ll build.

This is no different than any other physical quality that you would like to improve in life.

Want to become a better hitter? Go to the batting cage more frequently.

Want to become a better shooter? Get on the hardwood and knock down 100+ jumpers every day.

Want to shake the “2-Pump Chump” nickname you’ve earned with the [...]


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Friday, May 25, 2012

Yoga Art, Just Like Paris at the Turn of the Century – Robert Sturman, Photographer

Some of you have already heard of this guy, maybe read about the girl in the red dress or have seen his latest photo feature now on The New York Times blog. That’s one thing we can count on in The Gray Lady, they tend to do a bang up job on the yoga art [...]


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Does Creatine Actually Increase Your Power?

Everybody has heard of creatine, but do you know specifically what it does in the body? New research shows how just seven days of creatine supplementation can increase your power.

Athletes have been supplementing creatine monohydrate to improve exercise and strength performance for over twenty years. Creatine has been dubbed by many as a staple supplement since it is safe, natural, and effective. Creatine is a naturally occurring nitrogenous organic acid that occurs in the skeletal muscle of vertebrae. About 95% of the creatine found in the human body is found in skeletal muscle. Creatine helps provide energy to all cells in body, mainly muscle cells.

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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Other Cave

Roman gives some insight about the struggles of staying focused while writing.


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Complexes Made Complete

Roman gives a bit of insight into how to make complexes even MORE effective.


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Robert McNamara: More Integrated Muscle Building Gets Better Results

Robert McNaughton

Categories: Favorites

Robert McNamara’s approach to resistance training, as described in his book Strength to Awaken, is grounded on integral principles… and he views muscle building as a spiritual discipline. On his Embodied. Evolution. blog, the author explains why people over the age of 22 to 24 need to build muscle: Muscle strength cannot be reduced to [...]

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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Interview with Rick Kaselj: Preventing and Healing Forearm Injuries

Hello DIESELS. Last November, I did an interview with Rick Kaselj when I first heard about his program, Muscle Imbalances Revealed – Upper Body Edition, but I totally forgot about it until just now. Rick and I released Fixing Elbow Pain this week, so I thought I would re-post the interview here. Rick really knows [...]


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Robert McNamara: More Integrated Muscle Building Gets Better Results

Robert McNaughton

Categories: Favorites

Robert McNamara’s approach to resistance training, as described in his book Strength to Awaken, is grounded on integral principles… and he views muscle building as a spiritual discipline. On his Embodied. Evolution. blog, the author explains why people over the age of 22 to 24 need to build muscle: Muscle strength cannot be reduced to [...]

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Are Rings or The Jungle Gym XT Replaceable?

Question: Jay, I’m doing one of your programs and I wanted to ask about replacing some of the exercises. I don’t have rings or a Jungle Gym XT so I was thinking about replacing the ring flyes with cable flyes, the ring dips with bench dips, the inverted face pull with a cable face pull, the ring pushups with flat dumbbell presses and I will do all of the chin up and pull up variations as well as front lever holds on a straight bar. Is this okay?

Answer: As I [...]


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Sunday Seven: The Week's 7 Most Popular Articles, Vol. 8

Every Sunday we post the "Sunday Seven" so you can quickly see the 7 most popular articles of the week. This week's hot topics - CrossFit coaching, weight loss pills, kettlebells, and more!

Every Sunday we post the "Sunday Seven" so you can quickly see the 7 most popular articles of the week. On this week's list - tips for prospective CrossFit coaches, why weight loss supplements (still) don't work, kettlebells, urbanites turned farmers, and more!


1. Want to Be a CrossFit Coach? 3 Questions to Ask Yourself First (Traver Boehm)

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The Bench Press – Don’t Lose Your MAN-Card

“How Much Ya Bench?!” This is a guest post from Chandler Marchman, designer of the SWOLE System: The New Authority for Building Size, Strength, and a Lean Athletic Body The Bench Press – the one lift in the gym that’s seemed to transcend beyond the realm of just meathead weightlifting enthusiasts, and solidified itself as [...]


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Saturday, May 12, 2012

Midday Snack

Whole wheat crackers, babybel cheese, berries, grapes and peanut butter. yum!

Exercise was a 40 minute fast-paced walk/wog.

I'm short on words this evening, but wanted to share my pretty snack/meal. Hope you had a lovely day!


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The Big Day I Thought Would Never Come

Firstly, we have a new look to the site which is a bit cleaner and should make for easier reading.

It’s still a work in progress and we’ll be making a few more changes.

I hope everyone likes it.

After an awesome night out on the town Wednesday in NYC with John Alvino, Sean Hyson, Zach Even-Esh and six of my other closest friends (including Mark Crook and Mike Schwalb who I’ve mentioned plenty of times before) I’m still trying to piece it all together and make sure my liver still works.

It was [...]


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Robert McNamara: More Integrated Muscle Building Gets Better Results

Robert McNaughton

Categories: Favorites

Robert McNamara’s approach to resistance training, as described in his book Strength to Awaken, is grounded on integral principles… and he views muscle building as a spiritual discipline. On his Embodied. Evolution. blog, the author explains why people over the age of 22 to 24 need to build muscle: Muscle strength cannot be reduced to [...]

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Friday, May 11, 2012

YogaTuning: Because You Can’t, You Won’t and You Don’t Stop

YogaTuning: Wherein the genius of passionate songwriting meets the sanctum of our yoga mats. So what cha what cha what cha want? Let it go. Because you can't, you won't and you don't stop. Dedicated to Beastie Boy Adam Yauch, aka MCA, who passed away today from complications with cancer. He was 47.


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Midday Snack

Whole wheat crackers, babybel cheese, berries, grapes and peanut butter. yum!

Exercise was a 40 minute fast-paced walk/wog.

I'm short on words this evening, but wanted to share my pretty snack/meal. Hope you had a lovely day!


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The Big Day I Thought Would Never Come

Firstly, we have a new look to the site which is a bit cleaner and should make for easier reading.

It’s still a work in progress and we’ll be making a few more changes.

I hope everyone likes it.

After an awesome night out on the town Wednesday in NYC with John Alvino, Sean Hyson, Zach Even-Esh and six of my other closest friends (including Mark Crook and Mike Schwalb who I’ve mentioned plenty of times before) I’m still trying to piece it all together and make sure my liver still works.

It was [...]


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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Relief for The Stuffies


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Strange Death at Diamond Mountain Buddhist Center Raises Questions On Spiritual Cults

In the category of tragic and troublesome comes a story of creepy cult stuff and death, this time out of the supposed sanctum of a Buddhist retreat center. The April 22nd death of Ian Thornson, a 38-year-old Buddhist practitioner at Geshe Michael Roach’s Diamond Mountain in Arizona, has been much cause for concern, investigation and unanswered questions. [...]


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Sex and Sports: Refrain Before the Big Game?

Sex and Sports: Refrain Before the Big Game?

Many coaches say athletes should skip sex before the big game. But will doing the deed really hinder performance on the playing field? Continue reading »

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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Happy anniversary! We’re both 20(ish)!

When I reflect back on starting down my healthy living path it amazes me how much things have changed over (almost) twenty years. When I reflect back on starting down my healthy living path it’s astonishing to me how little existed at that time to help us women begin & maintain healthy lifestyles. I remember [...]


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Drink to Your Health: Why Alcohol Is Good For You

Drink to Your Health: Why Alcohol Is Good For You

Always feel guilty when ordering a cocktail instead of a heart-healthy glass of wine? Research shows the health benefits may actually be similar. Continue reading »

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Skip the Sangria: Your Cinco de Mayo Workout

Skip the Sangria: Your Cinco de Mayo Workout

GUEST POST: This Cinco de Mayo, dance instructor Mickela Mallozi suggests adding some real spice to the tequila and guacamole. Try Mexican folk dance for a workout that exercises the mind and body! Continue reading »

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YogaDork Ed: How Do You Accessorize Your Yoga Poses?

Peep into any of the thousands of yoga classes across the globe and you will find that students are donning more than just yoga outfits. In addition to the latest leggings and tank tops by (insert your favorite designer here) you’ll also find students of every age, both male and female, sporting a different kind of accessory. These, however, are not made from lycra, mala beads or precious metals, but rather from an overzealous nervous system.


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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Top 10 Weight Training Exercises for Building Muscle

To build muscle you need to use the best weight training exercises out there otherwise you’re just wasting your time.

Since I’ve already written about the best bodyweight exercises I figured it was time for the top weight training exercise list.

DO NOT piss around with isolation exercises like flyes and concentration curls.

Those do absolutely no good for anyone.

Unless you’re injured, rehabbing or someone’s great grandmother they’re useless.

Most machines fall into the same category.

Compound, multi-joint free weight exercises that allow you to use the greatest amount of weight will build size and [...]


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Fitness Flashback

Roman giv


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No question here, just wanted to say I loved the blog relating to the 40 ways to add in more veggies. We could all use more. Keep up the awesome content.

Thanks!!! :)


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Five reasons I still love me some Dr. Oz.

  Oh people.  I love me some Dr. Oz,  but Ive been burned before. Allow me to elaborate. I used to HEART me some Dr. Phil. Back in the day, when he was merely an occasional guest on the Oprah Show, I was completely smitten with that man. Id Dr. Phil myself myriad times a [...]


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Monday, May 7, 2012

How to Never Be Late Again

How to Never Be Late Again

It’s too late to apologiiiiize. From office meetings to surprise parties, stop saying sorry and just get there on time. Continue reading »

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In the Gym With Eric Cressey, Cressey Performance

In the Gym With Eric Cressey, Cressey Performance

Greatist is hitting the training room floor to talk to some of the most influential gym owners in the game. Read on to hear from Eric Cressey on what his training facility is all about. Continue reading »

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Researchers probe relationship between analytical thinking and religiosity


Categories: All Posts, Favorites

  According to a story in The Raw Story, a group of Canadian psychologists has concluded that directing test subjects to think “analytically” lowers their level of religious belief. Their research was published in this week’s issue of Science. A look at the study’s methodology, however, reveals misguided assumptions. Test subjects were given a problem-solving test, [...]

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Strange Death at Diamond Mountain Buddhist Center Raises Questions On Spiritual Cults

In the category of tragic and troublesome comes a story of creepy cult stuff and death, this time out of the supposed sanctum of a Buddhist retreat center. The April 22nd death of Ian Thornson, a 38-year-old Buddhist practitioner at Geshe Michael Roach’s Diamond Mountain in Arizona, has been much cause for concern, investigation and unanswered questions. [...]


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